Monday, April 12, 2010

Some Stuff I Recently Made/Quick Sloppy Shots

First three images are drawings on photographs:

Next three works are laminated photograph collages:

Clay animal heads, in progress:

Animal Portraits, stuffed animals & frames:

Refunctioning/An object of reconfigured parts:

An altered book:

Attempts at quieting the mind and pushing back doubt:

These are things I acquired,
I painted all the objects white.
Here's another collection of objects:

Below are two pieces that I made in the Fall.
Fluff Educated (left) and Educating Fluff (right)


Rebecca Bush said...

Damn Girl, you've been busy! And so much good stuff. Congrats!

eva b said...

deebee, I love the cross section of the fluff in the window. That's my favorite. I also love the teddy bear parts in the picture frames. Both of those make me think about who I was (we were) as kids ~ which of course gives us the foundation for this nutty adulthood we find ourselves in...
the photos, I feel like I need to see them in person, but I think I like your 3d stuff better.
All in all, I dig it! keep going! I would love to see more.