Sunday, January 25, 2009

Facebook's Got the Pictures Now.

Go view my photos on my Facebook Profile to see more images from my DC weekend extravaganza. There was time with friends, time with strangers, time in a tunnel, time listening to Obama's speech via a cell phone on speaker-phone, time in the freezing cold, time eating good Latin food, time at museums, time running into a friend-of-a-friend, time warming up, time at a Ball, time getting squished, and many more other good times to be had. More details coming soon...


Long time no write on my sorry.
It has been a whirlwind of a Winter Break.
I went to big cities, visited with friends and saw a lot.

As soon as I catch my breath (this may never happen) I will post some pictures of my adventures outside of nowhere, although at times it felt as if I was nowhere due to standing in the "Purple Tunnel of Doom" for hours on end, only to come out the other end and NOT see the President take his oath and speak. What a run-around. But, I did get up close to him and others at the Staff Ball on January 21st. You know, me and thousands of other people up close and personal like.

More soon...hang tight...until then enjoy life from Jackson's point of view: